Thanks for checking out our article on out top 10 SEO considerations of 2018. Gunner Media is an internet marketing company based in Leesburg Florida and we tend to get a little pumped when it comes to talking about SEO or any kind of online marketing. Concerning SEO though, there are so many facets to ensuring you have a great SEO campaign strategy moving into the next year. Actually Google says there are over 200 different factors that effect your ranking in their search engine.
We’ve narrowed down all those factors to share our top 10 picks for you to consider when producing content for your website. If you would consider yourself a beginner when it comes to SEO, take a look at our SEO guide for beginners before moving forward.
1 – Voice Activated Search – The Future Of SEO
Most experts believe that by 2020, over 50% of Google searches will be voice activated. So we need to prepare for the advance in Google search. While creating content, we’ll need to consider voice activated searches and how things might be phrased differently. The different type of phrasing may result in different trends in keywords.
When a user searches by voice, their language, speaking habits, Google’s ability to understand, and a number of other factors will generate a new evolution of trending searches.
For example, when you are typing into the search bar, you might not want to type a bunch of words, so you’ll type only the amount of words you need. Also, have you noticed that Google predicts what you are searching for and gives you search suggestions based on you typing just a few letters? We’ll as voice activated searches become more trending, these features will be used less and we won’t mind saying more words than we would normally type.
It might be a good idea to consider longer tailed keywords than ever thought before. Think of the impact it could have on local search results. When people look for a company like ours, for example, they might use the name of the city they are in more often. If we thought that was true, we might mention Leesburg Florida a little more in the future.
2 – Content Is King – The Most Important Part Of SEO
Big, thorough, chunky, and in depth content is what you should be producing. MOZ came out with a stat that suggest the more the better. After reviewing over one millions websites and search results, they compiled the data that showed, of the number one ranking results on Google searches, the average number 1 result had 1890 words on the page. That is way more words than the previously suggested 300-500 words.
Meaning, if you have a new website or you just want to rank in the search results, you are going to need to get chunky with it. Make your content bulky, detailed, and well put together. If you’re already had content out for a while, try going back and fill it up with more thorough information. Literally over the top detailed.
The thing about creating content that big, is you need to keep it filled with good quality content. If not, you’ll lose the reader. Another aspect to consider is the design and layout of the page or post. By using pictures, headlines, and bolded text you can break up the content so your readers can just skim through and get a quick understanding of the focus your content has. It’ll let them decide if they want to invest the time to read your valuable content.
3 – Site Speed – SEO With User Experience
It goes without being said, Google preferes for your website to be running at tip top shape. They want your website running pretty fast. Not to mention the various people who are actually on your website.
If I visited your website and I have time to check out my watch or the clock on my phone, we’re going to have a problem. Not only will your visitors get frustrated and leave before the page has finished loading, search engines will also penalize you for your lack in performance. Take a moment to run your site through the GOOGLE SPEED TEST. It’s a FREE tool from Google.
Google will give you some suggestions on how you can make your website faster. Some of the recommendations can be simple, like changing the dimensions of a picture that was uploaded. Other’s could be more complicated by suggesting you edit different code.
Obviously, if you need help implementing the suggestions that Google gives you, you can always contact the best web developers in Leesburg Florida to help!
4 – Purchase An SSL Certificate – Secure SEO
This is particularly important for websites that take credit card information for payment or purchases. If you don’t have an SSL for your website, I recommend you take a break from reading this and go get one right now! Not only will the search engines like you, so will your customers. Seeing that little s in the https will help them trust you just a little more.
You might also notice, when searching, if you hover over one of the search results Google will show a symbol to indicate that site as being secure or not secure. If you visit a site without an SSL, atleast with Chrome, there is an indicator in the web browser bar that also says secure or not secure. These indicators are all based off that SSL certificate. Needless to say, it’s important.
5 – Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) – Advanced SEO
In 2017 we saw AMP come out and become more and more important. In 2018 and beyond, AMP will become more widely used, grander, and have a snowball effect for your site’s future success.
If you aren’t familiar with AMP, I’ll give a brief explanation. Essentially, if your website is using it, when users visit your site through a mobile device, your site will load faster. You can get more in depth information about AMP here.
6 – Add Video Content On Your Website For Master SEO
We know that Google owns YouTube and that YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world. When someone is searching for content they might search either Google or YouTube. Either way, Google often recommends a video or two for searchers to watch. So create video content that goes with your written content and embed the YouTube video on your website! BOOM! Two Birds, One Stone!
In the description of your video, be sure to link back to your blog post that’s related to your video. Traffic will come from YouTube and go to your videos from your website. You’ll be happy with the SEO boost and the boost in YouTube traffic.
7 – Name Your Images For The Best SEO Results
It’s not a secret that you need to let Google know what is in the image on your website. Usually we do this by editing the Alt text. But the file name of the picture also plays a role in how Google sees the picture on your website. Try naming the image and incorporating some of the keywords that your page or post is focused on.
Uploading and image with the file name “IMG12345” won’t do anything positive for you. Let’s take just a few seconds and name it something more appropriate.
When your potential customers are searching for something, often times they look at the Google Image results. After finding what they are looking for, they’ll visit the website with that image. But, without being named properly, Google might not put your image where it needs to go.
8 – Using The Term “Near Me” In Your SEO
Let’s say you aren’t from Leesburg Florida, you’re driving in an unfamiliar area and you get a flat tire. You might get your phone and do a quick search on Google for “Tire Shop Near Me” then Google would recognize the “near me” portion, check your location and show you the nearest tire shops in Leesburg Florida! Amazing! Right?
Statistics have shown that the “near me” term doubled in search volume from 2016 to 2017. There is a strong indication that 2018 will have similar results.
So what does this mean for your business? First things first, you want to start creating content that talks about the area you’re in. This is referred to as local SEO. We pride ourselves on being the best internet marketing company in Leesburg Florida and we want Google to know it. If Google doesn’t know we are in Leesburg Florida, how will our local, potential customers ever know?
You can also do things like use Google My Business, work on getting reviews, get verified, and there is much more when it comes to local SEO.
9 – How To Videos For SEO
People are always looking to learn how to do something, online. If your sole objective isn’t just SELL SELL SELL, and you want to become an authority in your industry and or local market, get to making some “how to” videos. Real estate agents, plumbers, electricians, or whatever your industry is, people are looking for you and you don’t want to neglect the power of being found through how to videos.
For example, let’s say someone in Leesburg Florida was looking to learn “how to” get started using SEO, they might find our video on SEO for beginners.
As mentioned in number 6 of this article, video is a major boosting element to get more traffic to your website. With more relative and valuable content, comes higher rankings in search results and more targeted organic traffic.
In 2017, over 100,000,000 hours were spent, by Americans alone, on YouTube watching “how to” videos. So jump on this trend to become an authority in your space!
10 – SEO Titles And Descriptions
Even if you are found on Google or some other search engine, who’s to say anyone will click on your website? If you want to increase the odds that someone will visit your website, go back and do a little editing! Check out all the page and post titles and meta descriptions.
When someone searches on Google and is trying to make a choice of which website to visit, they are going to click on the one that appeals to them most. If you didn’t put much thought or effort into your titles or descriptions, you might be missing out on a large number of website visitors.
Also, as a result of not being clicked on, Google will move your page further and further down the relevancy list. Google doesn’t like to make their users look very far for what they want. So make sure you are giving thought to your titles and meta descriptions to benefit your SEO efforts.
The more you learn about SEO the more you realize how in depth you can go and how overwhelming it can be to keep up with. If you are the one putting in all the the efforts toward SEO at your company, it’s ok to feel like there is so much to do. The fact is, there is always something you can improve on. Even as the best SEO company in Leesburg Florida, (Really, the world) we are always diligent to test and adjust.
If you can understand the data coming from your Google analytic reports, you can interpret what changes you can make to improve the results of your SEO efforts. If we can answer any questions or serve you at all, please contact the best SEO company, in Leesburg Florida.